Tips for Blended Families: The Back to School Edition
It’s not just getting back into the rhythm of school pick up and drop off, but who is doing pick up and drop off each day. Not just, “what day is soccer practice?” but “which week do I handle practice?” Not just the added cost of school supplies, but “who is in charge of paying for school supplies this year?” or “I hope my co-parent can afford their half of the school supplies this year.”
And that’s just from the parents’ perspective…

When You Only Think You’re Saving Money
When couples attempt to jump from “discussing interests” to “negotiating agreements”, without spending enough time in "Information Gathering" or "Option Generation," we almost invariably end up with premature commitments and half-way agreements. These partial agreements end up costing the family more money and time because the team ends up going backwards anyway - not only to do the Option Generation that’s required, but also to help manage and repair the hurt feelings in the couple's relationship.

Talking to Your Kids in the Wake of School Tragedy
I write this blog as a therapist. A parenting specialist. A mom of elementary-aged school kids. I write this blog following the Uvalde shooting in Texas. I write this blog after turning off the news before my kids come in. Turning off my podcasts before the kids get up… so they don’t hear it before school starts this morning.

Why I Couldn’t Be a Therapist Anymore…
It's 2:30pm. It's time for Leah to arrive for her play therapy appointment. Leah is 6. Her mom usually brings her. I see mom swing into the parking lot. I watch out the window for a few minutes while mom gets out of the front seat, opens the back door, and begins her negotiations with Leah, to get her into the therapy room.

A Letter to My Colleagues in Mental Health
A letter to my colleagues in mental health…

Keeping Calm During Meetings

Five Parenting Pitfalls
"I want my kids to feel supported and cared for." "I want them to know that they're loved by both of us" "I hope my kids feel like it's okay enjoy their time with both of us."
I have yet to meet the parent who didn't want these things for their kids. Of course they do. Of course you do! You love them, and you want them to be happy and healthy.
Parents have these huge motivators, and they work so hard to keep them top-of-mind while working through Collaborative Divorce. Try though they might, parents don't always get it right during this super tough time! Here are the top 5 Parenting Pitfalls I see during a divorce.

SPLIT: The Film
This documentary is an incredibly helpful tool in learning how your children may respond to divorce, what questions they may have, and gives ideas about how to best help them.

What Does a Collaborative Divorce Coach Do?
The Collaborative law community has found it essential to have a licensed professional to improve communication and to resolve conflict for the separating couple as they make decisions that will impact the rest of their lives.

How long does the Collaborative Divorce Process Take?

How should I prepare for Parenting Planning?
If you’re almost ready to start building your parenting plan, but not sure even how to prepare for it, watch for some insights!

Who should consider Collaborative Divorce?
Who is collaborative divorce right for?

How is Collaborative Divorce different from a “traditional” divorce?

How does Collaborative Divorce get started?

How is Collaborative Divorce better for the kids?

Common Parenting Time Configurations
Not sure where to even begin in developing your parenting time configuration? This is a great place to start.

Can Collaborative Divorce be done on Zoom?
In the days of the remote meeting, can Collaborative Divorce be done via Zoom?

Parenting Planning: Things to Be Aware Of
Recommendations from a specialist in parenting planning. Read on to avoid common pitfalls.

How Do We Tell Our Kids?
One of the most common concerns parents have as they approach divorce and separation is this: What should we tell the kids, and how should we tell them?

3 Ways to Rebuild Your Community
Your people are out there!